Prettier configuration

  • code formatter
  • few options, easy to set up


  1. Install prettier locally or use editor extension.

    npm install --save-dev prettier
  2. If eslint is used before formatting with Prettier, install plugin to turn off conflicting rules.

    npm install --save-dev eslint-config-prettier
  3. Create a .prettierrc.json file locally.


  • use a configuration file .prettierrc.json
  • if eslint is used before formatting with Prettier, add "prettier" in "extends" in .eslintrc.json, also "prettier/@typescript-eslint" if typescript is installed


  • prettierrc.json
  "printWidth": 100,
  "tabWidth": 4,
  "endOfLine": "lf",
  "useTabs": false,

  "trailingComma": "none",
  "semi": true,
  "singleQuote": false,
  "bracketSpacing": true,
  "arrowParens": "avoid",

  "proseWrap": "never",

  "overrides": [
      "files": ["*.json", "*.md"],
      "options": {
        "tabWidth": 2
  • prettierignore
# Markdown files
