

translates source code from a high-level programming language to a lower level language, e.g. C to assembly


  • translates source code of one high-level programming language into another high-level programming language, e.g. CoffeeScript / Dart / TypeScript to JavaScript
  • target programming languages may be the same as source, e.g. JavaScript to JavaScript Babel
  • used to write in desired language and compile back to undesired, e.g. TypeScript to JavaScript, or ES6+ to ES5

(Module) Bundler

  • concatenates separate files into single file
  • orders by dependency, tree-shaking unused code
  • beware: not necessarily needed with ES modules, just for tree shaking ❗️
  • often integrates a build tool
  • e.g. Rollup, Webpack, Browserify, etc.
  • advantages:
    • single HTTP request
  • disadvantages:
    • not cacheable cross-site

Build tool

  • converts source files to distributable files
  • integrates compiler, transpiler, bundler, etc.
  • integrates other optimisations, e.g. linting, minifying, sourcemaps, etc.
  • integrates local server
  • e.g. Snowpack, also Rollup, Webpack, etc.

Task runner

  • run any configurable task, not only building, e.g. linting, running tests, deploying, etc.
  • e.g. gulp.js, browser-sync
