
  • techniques to exploit vulnerabilities in websites

Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

  • attack that forces user of a website to execute unwanted JS, e.g. read cookies
  • relies on JS having full access to all resources on page
  • exploits trust that user has for domain
  • beware: can make CSRF through XSS, or XSS through CSRF ❗️
  • reflected XSS: JS is in HTTP request and reflected back in HTTP response, e.g. in parameter, search query, invalid path of URL, etc.
  • stored XSS: JS is stored on website, e.g. in database, third party library, browser extension, etc.
  • exploit: inject JS into page, e.g. web page that accepts user input without sanitizing it

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

  • attack that forces user of a website to execute unwanted request, e.g. delete resource
  • relies on cookies being sent with every request
  • exploits trust that domain has for user
  • beware: can make CSRF through XSS, or XSS through CSRF ❗️
  • exploit: inject URL with sideffect, e.g. link, image, hidden form, etc.
