• API for operations on resources on the Internet, e.g. CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
  • often require authentication, see Auth
  • request specifies resource(s) and operations
  • response contains result(s) of operation(s)
  • request / response body is usually in JSON
  • beware: don’t confuse with Web Server that serves Web pages ❗️
  • ideal API allows a request to specify multiple operations on any set of resources
  • can think of resources like a tree
    • a (sub-)resource is like a node in the tree, e.g. user X, name of user X, email of user X, etc.
    • a combination of (sub-)resources is like a set of nodes in the tree, e.g. user X and user Y, name and email of user X, name of user X and email of user Y, etc.

tree of a users resource with two user subresource with each a name and an email subresource


  • specification language that describes API
  • independent of programming language
  • can generate documentation
  • can generate client program in various programming languages

Representational State Transfer (REST)

  • architectural style of HTTP APIs
  • API is called “RESTful API”
  • uses URL to define unique resource
  • uses HTTP methods to define operations, e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
  • has same URL for different operations on same resource, e.g. GET / POST / PUT / DELETE request to /users/[id], etc.
  • earlier styles used URL to define unique action on unique resource, because only GET and POST HTTP methods existed
  • earlier styles had multiple URLs for different actions on same resource, e.g. GET to /getUser, POST to /createUser, etc.
  • coarse granularity:
    • requests can specify operations on any (sub-)resource (but not their combination), because of linear structure of URL
    • single request can specify only one such operation, because of single HTTP method
    • but often doesn’t even expose subresources, because not much value without being able to combine them
    • single requests gets too much data while too little of what it wants
    • needs multiple requests to multiple URLs
    • N+1 problem to get all subresources of a resource
  • disadvantages:
    • complex for client, because needs to filter out data it wants
    • high bandwith or high latency, because transmits more data than needs or needs follow-up request for nested data
    • difficult analytics, because doesn’t know exactly what data consumers use
    • dependent, because design is dependent on what data consumer selects
    • difficult versioning, because can’t extend a resource without breaking existing consumers
    • undocumented, because has no built-in IDL, needs to document manually or use external IDL, e.g. OpenAPI
  • advantages:
    • easy caching, because data is separated by URL and operations by un/safe HTTP method
    • simple for server, because no additional layer of query processing


  • API query language and IDL
  • used for new architectural style of HTTP APIs
  • API is called “GraphQL API”
  • beware: don’t confuse query language with architectural style ❗️
  • beware: don’t confuse with graph database, query language has no dependencies on underlying database ⚠️
  • uses query to define unique action on unique resource
  • uses single URL and HTTP method to transmit a query in the request body, e.g. POST to /api/v1/
  • beware: resources aren’t defined by URLs anymore ❗️
  • fine granularity:
    • requests can specify operations on any combination of (sub-)resources, because of tree structure of query
    • single request can specify one or more such operations, because of tree structure of query
    • single request gets exactly data it wants, not more not less
    • no need for multiple requests
    • no N+1 problem to get all subresources of a resource
  • advantages:
    • simple for client, because doesn’t need to filter out data it wants
    • low bandwith and low latency, because transmits just data that needs without need for follow-up request for nested data
    • easy analytics, because knows exactly what data consumers use
    • independent, because design is independent from what data consumer selects
    • easy versioning, because can extend a resource without breaking existing consumers
    • documented, because has built-in IDL
  • disadvantages:
    • difficult caching, because data is not separated by URL
    • complex for server, because additional layer of query processing

Design Principles

  • simple, selfexplanatory naming
  • independent of implementation, e.g. database
  • independent of consum, e.g. mobile app
  • model the data, not the view
  • implement what you need, not what you think you will need
  • “When in doubt leave it out!”
  • evolve, don’t rewrite
