
  • on-demand shared computer resources
  • on network of remote servers on the Internet
  • provider maintains physical infrastructure, e.g. reliability, scalability, security, performance, etc.
  • beware: misnomer, “it’s just someone else’s computer” ❗️

Service models

  • usually pay-per-time
  • from IaaS to FaaS can reduce idle time

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

  • provision of an operating system, e.g. processing, storage, networking, etc.
  • provider manages (physical) infrastructure
  • e.g. Google Compute Engine

Platform as a service (PaaS)

  • provision of a platform, e.g. runtime, database, etc.
  • provider manages infrastructure
  • e.g. Google App Engine

Function as a service (FaaS)

  • provision of code execution environment, e.g. HTTP middleware

  • provider manages the platform and infrastructure

  • e.g. Google Cloud Functions

  • triggered by events, e.g. HTTP API, connected services, etc.

  • beware: often time limit on execution before is stopped, e.g. 5 minutes, etc.

  • beware: also called “serverless” because server is abstracted away completely, although there is still a server ❗️

declaratively establishes relationships between individual functions of what otherwise would have been a single server can use to disassemble server into its individual functions, each becomes independently scalable, no idle time no idle time

can use for back-end HTTP API


  • should be independent, no tight coupling, such that can scale independently, i.e. no Authentication in each
  • Authentication is own microservice, while authorization is part of every microservice
    just can create central MS for central role-to-permission mapping management over all microservices, doesn’t have to change things manually
  • should use event bus between microservices, speaker doesn’t need to know who wants to listen, loose coupling
  • beware: microservice itself is easy part, cloud in between is hard part, e.g. message could be lost anywhere on wire ❗️
  • beware: if uses event bus, needs to sign messages, otherwise attacker that got access to one application can control rest through sending events ❗️
  • beware: use HTTPS between microservices, otherwise attacker in network can control any service ❗️
  • credentials between microservices, don’t accept incoming traffic from anyone
  • establish trust boundaries between microservices, user data may not enter trust boundary without being validated
  • every microservice checks authorization of any request for operation, keeps logic contained at source instead of in separate microservice that needs to keep up to date
  • beware: needs to pass on user state between microservices such that can check authorization ❗️
  • beware: if deletes user, needs to delete data in all APIs, can use event stream between microservices, should handle duplicate deletion event gracefully ❗️

Examples of Microservices

  • media hosting: Cloudinary, etc.
  • comments: Disqus, etc.
  • contact form: Formcarry, Netlify Forms, etc.
  • search: Algolia
  • authentication: Auth0, Orka
  • payment: Shopify, Stripe
  • CMS: Netlify CMS, etc.
