
  • set of rules that define how data is being exchanged via a given medium
  • defines data format, address format, transmission, reception, error handling, etc.
  • protocols are to communication what programming languages are to computations
  • needed especially to build networks, since can’t control both ends of the communication
  • a message is just a text file with agreed upon syntax according to protocol, usually uses ASCII encoding


  • can be stateful or stateless
  • stateful: a message can rely on previous messages
  • stateless: no message can rely on previous messages


  • protocol suite: set of protocols
  • protocol layers: protocol suite whose protocols builds on top of each other
  • put message of one protocol as data in the message of another protocol
  • a layer provides service to the layer above it using the services of the layer below it
  • used to separate different levels of abstraction
